All prints are Limited Editions, and come hand signed & numbered, complete with a Certificate of Authenticity as your guarantee that you are receiving the genuine, limited edition article. Distributor and dealer inquiries are welcome.

Our prints are digitally printed in our own in-house printing shop, using archival quality, acid-free professional grade photographic papers and archival quality pigment inks, with a guaranteed fade-resistance in normal lighting of greater than 100 years - this is longer than old-fashioned wet-process photographic film prints! Standard prints are on Red River Ultra Pro 2.0 Satin finish professional-grade photographic paper (a brighter white paper with less bluish cast [for truer whites] than Epson® paper). Matte finish, High-Gloss finish, and Fine Art Textured professional grade papers are also available at additional cost.

Most prints are available in standard print sizes, as well as custom sizes available for special order (contact us for a price quote). However, there are some prints which are not available in larger sizes due to various photographic reasons (slight focus problems not visible in smaller versions but evident in larger versions, for example), and some photographs which we will not crop to the shorter aspect ratio sizes because they lose too much important content by doing so. These are rare, however, so 99% or more of the portfolio prints are available in all sizes.

Standard 2x3 aspect ratio print sizes are 5"x7" (very close to 2x3 aspect ratio), 12"x18", 11x17 & 13"x19" (also both very close to 2x3 aspect ratio). Standard 4x5 aspect ratio print sizes are 8"x10", 11"x14" (very close to 4x5 aspect ratio) & 16"x20" versions. Be aware the 4x5 aspect ratio prints will be cropped from their native 2x3 aspect, so some edge areas will be lost from the short ends - we will crop them to best advantage for each particular picture (in our opinion).

Prints can be made of most images up to 32" x 40", with or without a white border. Custom order prints are available in 20"x30", 24"x30", 24"x36", & 32"x40" versions. Panoramas (including diptychs, triptychs, & quadtychs) may be special ordered in prints up to 44" in height, with actual width corresponding to the corrected aspect of the height. These special order prints take additional time, as we have to have them printed externally. We print all others ourselves. Please call or email for more details and prices.

Prints may be ordered as Print only, Matted (standard black or white acid-free matting), or Matted & Framed (black or white acid-free matting, with contrast grey (a dark but neutral grey), black, or gold metal frames). Non-glare glass can be ordered for framed prints for an additional charge. If you require custom framing or matting, please see someone local to you - due to the highly personalized nature of this sort of thing, there is no way that we could guarantee your satisfaction with matte color/frame selection. Shipping and handling is added and is calculated on an individual order basis.

Prices* for Standard Print Sizes on Professional Premium Satin Paper:
•• 10% off of 3 or more same-sized prints ••

13” x 19” Print, Matted & Framed to 18” x 24” - $125ºº
13” x 19” Print, Matted, ready for 18” x 24” frame - $85ºº
13” x 19” Shrink Wrapped Print (print only) - $50ºº

11” x 14” Print, Matted & Framed to 16” x 20” - $80ºº
11” x 14” Print, Matted, ready for 16” x 20” frame - $45ºº
11” x 14” Shrink Wrapped Print (print only) - $30ºº

8” x 10” Print, Matted & Framed to 11” x 14” - $50ºº
8” x 10” Print, Matted, ready for 11” x 14” frame - $30ºº
8” x 10” Shrink Wrapped Print (print only) - $15ºº

5” x 7” Print, Matted & Framed to 8” x 10” - $35ºº
5” x 7” Print, Matted, ready for 8” x 10” frame - $20ºº
5” x 7” Shrink Wrapped Print (print only) - $10ºº

Prices* for Non-Standard Print Sizes on Professional Premium Satin Paper:
$0.30 per square inch - print only
$0.45 per square inch - print & acid-free matting
$0.65 per square inch - print, acid-free matting, & framing.

*Note for all prices above:
add $0.05 per square inch to price for Matte finish or High-Gloss finish papers
add $0.10 per square inch for price for Fine Art Textured paper
additional order time required for non-standard papers if not in stock
‡add $0.10 per square inch for non-glare glass
Prices are rounded to the nearest $0.50

Umpqa Lighthouse
For example, a 20" x 30" print on standard semi-gloss paper paper would be 600 square inches, with a price of $120.ºº for the print alone (shrink-wrapped); adding matting only it would be $210.ºº; and matted & framed with the standard colors available it would be $300.ºº. Adding fine art paper and non-glare glass (as an example) would be an additional $120.ºº.